efhco’s Annual Meeting 2024 in Edinburgh, Scotland

Eine große Gruppe von Menschen posiert lächelnd für ein Gruppenfoto in einem Holzsaal mit Bannern im Hintergrund..

Colorful Edinburgh and our Scottish member Hearts & Minds were greeting at the Scottish Storytelling Centre over 40 member delegates from 15 EFHCO countries across Europe from 1 – 4 October 2024. The 2024 edition of our Annual Nose meeting welcomed again staff from professional healthcare clown organizations, like Artistic and Managerial Leaders and active Researchers and Developer in this special part of the healthcare!

The 3-days-program was intense and inspiring; beside a short General Assembly, including a confirmation of Ivana Bacanovic as chairwoman and Susana Ribeiro, our R&D specialist as Board Secretary and an impressive presentation of our host Hearts & Minds.
“Clowning with Impact: How Professional Healthcare Clowning makes a Difference!” was put into the meeting focus, enlightening the various aspects, the impact of our clown arts in the demanding and changing world of European healthcare and its various governmental systems.
We thank Lea Boettger / Böttger (Stiftung HHH), Professora Susana Caires (Universidad da Minho, Portugal and member of H-CRIN+), Spanish Marta Barrio (Sonrisa Medica, Balearic Islands) Angie Rosales and Christian Büdgen Escario (Pallapupas, Barcelona) for their in-depth insights and reflections. The following exchanges, new contacts and take-home-learnings in 4 different working groups will put efhco and its internal and external mission forward!
The evening program allowed the delegates to relax, enjoying a memorable Edinburgh city walk or the other delight: Single malts or spending the last energy in learning traditional gaelic dances with live music at a Ceilidh. A real taste of Scotland!  Mòran taing, dear Hearts & Minds!

Pssst, in 2025 we will meet from 07 – 10 October in Paris, France !


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