Research & Development

Research &
Learning is Key

Research is crucial for building knowledge, improving practices and informing decision making.  It’s also allowing us to be always updated and in the frontline of new developments identifying needs in society, exploring new ideas and validate existing ones. It provides evidence-based insights, helping us to build credibility, public awareness, and to fosters social change and policies.

In efhco. we strongly believe in research, and we have an active Research & Development (R&D) working group, with efhco. members, interested external individuals and international researchers in this field of study.

The efhco. R&D group developed in 2021 their Mission Statement underlining the pivotal role of research for Healthcare Clowning.

efhco. maintains an Artistic Archive and a Research Library, collecting scientific articles and any other R&D documentation about healthcare clowning since 2011.

Artistic Archive
Research Library

Research &
Learning is Key

Research is crucial for building knowledge, improving practices and informing decision making.  It’s also allowing us to be always updated and in the frontline of new developments identifying needs in society, exploring new ideas and validate existing ones. It provides evidence-based insights, helping us to build credibility, public awareness, and to fosters social change and policies.

In efhco. we strongly believe in research, and we have an active Research & Development (R&D) working group, with efhco. members, interested external individuals and international researchers in this field of study.

The efhco. R&D group developed in 2021 their Mission Statement underlining the pivotal role of research for Healthcare Clowning.

efhco. maintains an Artistic Archive and a Research Library, collecting scientific articles and any other R&D documentation about healthcare clowning since 2011.

Artistic Archive
Research Library

Research Projects

efhco. has been in recent years an associate partner in three EU-cofunded research projects, actively developed and led in cooperation with efhco members.
Two Clowns and one medical worker

Healthcare Clown Pathways

The “Healthcare Clown Pathways” Erasmus+ project was created in 2020 responding to the importance of the professional role of the Health Care Clown in the performing arts and to support a gap in this specific clown training sector.

The following objectives were achieved during the 3-years project by designing, testing and validating, in a shared and transferable way, an innovative training curriculum with defined key competences and professional qualifications required to work as a Healthcare Clown at European level.

An important objective of the project was the elaboration of training standards at European level to obtain the qualified profession of Healthcare Clown, with reference to the ECVET (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training) and EQF (European Qualifications Framework) systems.

Learn more about this project by visiting the HCCP website, for detailed information you will need to register.

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Healthcare Clown Pathways

The “Healthcare Clown Pathways” Erasmus+ project was created in 2020 responding to the importance of the professional role of the Health Care Clown in the performing arts and to support a gap in this specific clown training sector.

The following objectives were achieved during the 3-years project by designing, testing and validating, in a shared and transferable way, an innovative training curriculum with defined key competences and professional qualifications required to work as a Healthcare Clown at European level.

An important objective of the project was the elaboration of training standards at European level to obtain the qualified profession of Healthcare Clown, with reference to the ECVET (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training) and EQF (European Qualifications Framework) systems.

Learn more about this project by visiting the HCCP website, for detailed information you will need to register.

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Two Clowns and one medical worker
Das Bild zeigt ein Kind in einem Rollstuhl, das gespannt auf einen Bildschirm blickt, auf dem ein Clown mit roter Nase zu sehen ist.

Virtual Healthcare Clowning

In September 2024 ended the 2nd EU-cofunded Erasmus+ Project on “Virtual Healthcare Clowning”, jointly developed Soccorso Clown, Spazio Reale Formazione (both Italy), Palhacos d’Opital (Portugal), Stiftung Humor Hilft Heilen (Germany), supported by the Spanish digital company “Blue Room Innovations” and efhco, an online platform.

The VHC platform, which is linking clowndoctors, patients and healthcare institutions, is now available to all European Healthcare Clown organizations to explore concepts of digital clowning for reaching out to more people.

Often patients in need of a smile are staying isolated in clinics, infection wards, in caring institutions or home care or living far-off in European regions, where no clowndoctors are in action.

Why offering Virtual Healthcare Clowning?

Some virtual clowning projects exist already since years (via a special app, Facebook, Zoom etc.), bringing joy and smiles.  During the Corona pandemic, digital clinic clown visits took a real leap!  Professional healthcare clown organisations offered them in hospitals and nursing homes as an “emergency backup” to young and old, mostly isolated patients – an important emotional support with a twinkle in their eyes. 

The virtual experiences are now collected on the VHC learning platform, practical expertise turned into a hands-on training manual on digital clowning for reaching out to more people in needs staying isolated in clinics, healthcare or caring institutions – and completely independently of a pandemic situation. 
The VHC concept expands the clown doctor world into the field of digitalization and supports the professionalization of healthcare clowning.

Explore their website Virtual Healthcare Clowning , for some content you will need to register.

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Virtual Healthcare Clowning

In September 2024 ended the 2nd EU-cofunded Erasmus+ Project on “Virtual Healthcare Clowning”, jointly developed Soccorso Clown, Spazio Reale Formazione (both Italy), Palhacos d’Opital (Portugal), Stiftung Humor Hilft Heilen (Germany), supported by the Spanish digital company “Blue Room Innovations” and efhco, an online platform.

The VHC platform, which is linking clowndoctors, patients and healthcare institutions, is now available to all European Healthcare Clown organisations to learn more about concepts on digital clowning for reaching out to more people in needs staying isolated in clinics, healthcare or caring institutions, who cannot be reached so far for a good laughter: for example in infection wards in hospitals, chronically ill people at home or in places where there are no clinic clowns in action, like on far-off European islands or in other regions.

Why to offer Virtual Healthcare Clowning?

Some virtual clowning projects exist already since years (via a special app, Facebook, Zoom etc.), bringing joy and smiles.  During the Corona pandemic, digital clinic clown visits took a real leap!  Professional healthcare clown organisations offered them in hospitals and nursing homes as an “emergency backup” to young and old, mostly isolated patients – an important emotional support with a twinkle in their eyes. 

The virtual experiences are now collected on the VHC learning platform, practical expertise turned into a hands-on training manual on digital clowning for reaching out to more people in needs staying isolated in clinics, healthcare or caring institutions – and completely independently of a pandemic situation. 
The VHC concept expands the clown doctor world into the field of digitalization and supports the professionalization of healthcare clowning.

Explore their website Virtual Healthcare Clowning , for some content you will need to register.

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Das Bild zeigt ein Kind in einem Rollstuhl, das gespannt auf einen Bildschirm blickt, auf dem ein Clown mit roter Nase zu sehen ist.
Zwei Clowninnen führen eine Performance auf einer Bühne vor schwarzem Vorhang auf. Links ist ein Banner mit 'Clown Nexus' zu sehen.


The clown has the power to change things, to change the atmosphere. Through their power of the true encounter, the clown can amaze a nurse, astonish a doctor, put parents in awe, surprise children, teachers, therapists, parents and themselves!” Chief Artistic Director of RED NOSES International Healthcare, Christophe Dumalin, emphasises this art of using clowning techniques in health and care settings to improve the well-being of people facing vulnerable situations and create more supportive environments.

Healthcare clowns focus on strengths, rather than weaknesses, seeing and empowering the individual, focusing less on the impaired condition or situation.

During the annual efhco. meeting in 2019 eight healthcare clowning organisations decided to explore how creativity and humour could be utilised to connect with people with dementia and children with autism.  The project ”Clowning Connects Us” (ClowNexus) was born, exploring between 2020-2023 how arts and humour, particularly the art of healthcare clowning, developing a toolbox to connect and engage with these two patient groups – and opening those working fields for healthcare clowning

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The clown has the power to change things, to change the atmosphere. Through their power of the true encounter, the clown can amaze a nurse, astonish a doctor, put parents in awe, surprise children, teachers, therapists, parents and themselves!” Chief Artistic Director of RED NOSES International Healthcare, Christophe Dumalin, emphasises this art of using clowning techniques in health and care settings to improve the well-being of people facing vulnerable situations and create more supportive environments.

Healthcare clowns focus on strengths, rather than weaknesses, seeing and empowering the individual, focusing less on the impaired condition or situation.

During the annual efhco. meeting in 2019 eight healthcare clowning organisations decided to explore how creativity and humour could be utilised to connect with people with dementia and children with autism.  The project ”Clowning Connects Us” (ClowNexus) was born, exploring between 2020-2023 how arts and humour, particularly the art of healthcare clowning, developing a toolbox to connect and engage with these two patient groups – and opening those working fields for healthcare clowning

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Zwei Clowninnen führen eine Performance auf einer Bühne vor schwarzem Vorhang auf. Links ist ein Banner mit 'Clown Nexus' zu sehen.

Artistic Archive

efhcomembers have the privilege to access our Artistic Archive, getting inspirations from theatre and clown plays and much more artistic treasures.
Please contact us for your access code

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R & D Archive

efhco.’s Research Library, collects since 2011 scientific articles and any other R&D documentation about healthcare clowning in all aspects: its impact on clients, families and healthcare staff, on the healthcare economy or the development of the different working fields for the clown doctors.

Our members have a full access to the R&D Archive, if you have any interest let us know.

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Artistic Archive

efhcomembers have the privilege to access our Artistic Archive, getting inspirations from theatre and clown plays and much more artistic treasures.
Please contact us for your access code.

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R & D Archive: Its Impact on beneficiaries

efhco.’s Research Library, collects since 2011 scientific articles and any other R&D documentation about healthcare clowning in all aspects: its impact on beneficiaries, families and healthcare staff, on the healthcare economy or the development of the different working fields for the clown doctors.

Our members have a full access to the R&D Archive, if you have any interest let us know.

Please contact us for your access code.

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Contact us

Would you like to receive more information about efhco. and Healthcare Clowning? Do not hesitate to get in touch with us!