Le Rire Médecin in the spotlight: Sur Un Fil, an unprecedented recognition for healthcare clowns

The feature film, Sur Un Fil, (On a Wire) directed by Reda Kateb and inspired by the book Journal du Dr. Girafe (The Clown Doctor Chronicles) written by Caroline Simonds and Bernie Warren, was released in 211 cinemas all over France on October 30.
This eagerly awaited event for Le Rire Médecin was marked by a national five-week tour of “Avant-Premieres”, some of which were specifically dedicated to our organization. These screenings provided an ideal opportunity for our artist-clowns and the public to meet and have intense exchanges about our profession.
The film, a work of fiction, highlights not only the work of Le Rire Médecin’s clowns, but also the entire profession of healthcare clowns. This release is an exceptional opportunity to pay tribute to our profession. After its release in cinemas, the film will be available on Amazon Prime and Canal+.